Monday, September 2, 2013

Be Open: On Discerning the Journey

I am convinced, that life is one great journey to self.  With each experience, I have felt the essence of my true self emerge.  It seems that some experiences, more than others, have served as checkpoints on the road of life.  These checkpoints have lead me to reflect on the journey and discern where to go next.  However, I have learned, that just as one who is not familiar with a geographic area is unfit to give directions to a traveler, in the same way, everyone cannot give directions in my discernment process, because everyone does not know the terrain of my heart.  

I spent much of the summer wrestling with this question: “What do I want to do with my life?”  It was then that I remembered having this same conversation four years ago, with a mentor of mine.  She lovingly said, “Kyra, when you figure out WHO you want to be in the world, the WHAT will fall into place.”  Instantaneously, her words brought peace to the tempest in my mind.  However, this summer, I struggled to answer the a newfound question, “Who do I want to be in the world?” 

Not long after asking this question, I came across artist, Martha Graham’s quote:

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action.  And because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.  And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost.  It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable,  nor how it compares with other expressions.  It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, to keep the channel open… Whether you choose to take an art class, keep a journal [or start a blog], record your dreams, dance your story or live each day from your own creative source, above all else, keep the channel open!”

       On this journey, I will face moments of discernment many times over.  Like the many surfaces of a diamond, which exude light from every angle, throughout my life, I will uncover the many facets of my true self, and “from my own creative source,” reflect my unique essence.  I believe that is who I want to be in the world.  A woman who is true, a woman who is creative, a woman who is open.    

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